An end of an era is just hours away and all I can say is "..pheeeeewww!"
From my DUH moment, realizing that all this time--all of those prints from years and years of documenting my own children, realizing that this was more than just family snapshots and turning my long love of portrait photography, studying it, getting certified--to making it a business; its been a whirlwind.
I was sad today, thinking that finally the New Year is merely hours away, and there will be a blank page to fill with new goals, new diet plans, new gym membership along with all the usual promises we make to ourselves in the hopes of self improvement and growth. This year has been a tough one to say the least; the last year I will hear my beloved Fathers voice (except in my head) and the last year I got to nuzzle with my amazing chocolate labrador after 11 years of pure unadulterated unapologetic love and furry smooches.
But as I look back at all the wonderful moments, images, chances, opportunities, my smile appears, even if for a brief moment, until tomorrows light, the first day of a new decade to try, no, DO and DO some more. I have so much to be thankful for and a holiday is all the more reason to celebrate that! Heres to another decade of dreams realized, goals achieved, love made, health kept, much success and the family to celebrate with!
Happy & Healthy, 2020 and beyond, with love and a long warm hug
Highlights from the beginning of my journey in 2014 and throughout. Here's to another decade of creating your memories....